Performance ability is a person’s potential to cope with a mental or physical task for a certain amount of time. Everyday life of many people is dictated by high physical and mental demands in profession and personal life. Here, the performance potential decides whether we are capable to meet these demands or not. When we are healthy, we are able to reach our goals, we feel well and are able to structure our lives according to our own wishes. Therefore, the goal is to be and stay physically and mentally efficient. This is the basic for successfully meeting stressful situations without overstraining the organism.
Influence factors
The personal performance depends on different factors. Of course, gender, age and genetics play a role. In addition to that, the
- hormonal balance,
- cardio-vascular system,
- breathing,
- immune system,
- metabolism,
- electrolyte balance,
- locomotor system (muscles, bones, joints and ligaments),
- regenerative capacity,
- nervous system,
- and motivation
have an impact on the performance of each one of us. The right amount of exercise, a healthy eating- and drinking-behavior as well as sufficient recovery phases incl. high-quality sleep, all these might positively influence the factors above mentioned.
Right amount of exercise
Basically, it is important to minimize sedentary work. The human body is designed for standing and movement. Permanent sitting harms our locomotor system. Furthermore, the human being is fitted with four motoric skills: coordination, endurance, power and speed. For the physical performance potential, it is important that these skills are equally trained.
Varied and natural nutrition
Our performance highly depends on a natural and balanced nutrition as well on a balanced water intake. Variety means, not to waive particular groups of food. Natural means, that the food is not industrially processed. This ensures that our organism is provided with all important macro- and micronutrients. Furthermore, our drinking behavior is influencing our performance. Our body as well as our mind need sufficient water for optimal functioning.
Regeneration with sufficient rest and healthy sleep
Stressful daily situations as well as physically and/or mentally demanding jobs exhaust many people. Often, the stress level is very high and people become physically and mentally overloaded. If you want to permanently keep your full ability to perform, you should provide your body and mind with sufficient time for regeneration. Especially healthy sleep provides the chance for being healthy and full of energy. This truly is a power source, that leads to more performance and vitality.
Imagesource: @istock