A long and strenuous working day is behind you. The consequence: you are exhausted and tired. Small wonder you only think of one thing – your bed. But, as soon as you are in bed, your thoughts circle around. Relaxation and rest seem far away, falling asleep relaxed as well. You are not the only one with this problem. More and more people suffer under disturbances to fall asleep resp. to sleep through. Stress, family and/or health problems as well as an unhealthy lifestyle are possible reasons.
Here are some tips that help falling asleep:
- Turn your bedroom into a wellness oasis: You should feel comfortable in your bedroom. Besides the proper choice of colors for your bedroom, the bed and its content are playing the key role. Best, they are made of natural materials. Furthermore, your sleeping system should consider all aspects of orthopedic lying.
- The bedroom is there for sleeping: Avoid activities like breakfast in bed or watching TV. Also, work documents, book shelf or ironing don’t belong into your bedroom. Your brain is connecting these things with activity instead rest. Create perfect conditions for healthy sleep: fresh air, a room temperature between 16° and 18° C, humidity between 40 and 60 %, darkness as well as quietness are perfect for healthy sleep.
- Falling asleep relaxed with suitable beverages: Caffeine-containing beverages: Avoid caffeine at least two hours before going to bed. Caffeine stimulates your organism and falling asleep becomes hard. Alcohol: Beer or wine support falling asleep but disturb deep sleep. Herbal teas: Drink a cup of herbal tea in the evening. Valerian, balm, passion flower, lady’s mantle or juniper berry tea are especially helpful.
- Stick to a regular sleep-wake-rhythm: A regular sleep-wake-rhythm contributes to a healthy and restful sleep. Stick to your rhythm on the weekends, too.
- Exercise improves sleeping behavior: Regular movement in everyday life and sports in fresh air contribute to a healthy lifestyle and improve sleeping behavior. But, avoid strenuous physical activity directly before going to bed. This only activates your circulatory and makes falling asleep harder.
- Relaxation techniques and sex support stress relief
Relaxation techniques like yoga, autogenous training and sex reduce your stress level and support falling asleep.
Imagesource: @fotolia