Nature – steadfast anchor of SAMINA’s corporate philosophy and great inspiration for company founder and sleep-healthy pioneer Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson; first but firm steps in a whole new segment. SAMINA Night – a vegetable-mineral sleep drink, created to optimize the sleep from “inside”.
The existing product range – orthopaedic and organic-sustainable bedding systems, duvets and pillows, is now complemented by a neuro-sleep drink. Naturally effective and delicious: a sour cherry and aronia berry juice, enriched with valuable vitamins and minerals, which has a distinctive differentiation. Without artificial melatonin, but promoting the body’s own production of sleep hormones.
Goodbye to oxidative stress
Poison, pollutants, alcohol, nicotine. The human race is almost permanently exposed to oxidative stress. Tensions in the body are intensified, relaxation inhibited. Current studies in the field of sleep medicine show that especially the toxins from nutrition put an oxidative strain on the body and disturb the organism. Research in this area is indeed in the starting blocks, but the findings are so valuable that an own nutrition composition in this regard was indispensable for sleep psychologist Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson. The recipe is therefore a special composition of antioxidants to rid the body of toxins.
Liquid superfood for sleep
“Thy food shall be thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food.” Hippocrates already realized that nature offers a variety of nutritional wonders, to be recognized as alternative remedies. SAMINA Night is a power pack of soothing ingredients which supports the body in its very own sleep function. In response to the social trend – away from industrial sugar – the sleep drink is sweetened exclusively with a solid dose of birch sugar (xylitol). The aronia berry is a strong antioxidant and has a positive effect on the immune system, while valerian has an unmistakably soothing effect, and theanine prolongs deep as well as REM sleep. The formula acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) and provides a direct stimulation of neurotransmitters.
Rapid effect
Sip the sleep drink 30 minutes before going to sleep. The effect is immediate: mind and body calm down, irritating thoughts are soothed and a pleasant tiredness spreads through your body. However, here too, less is more. An overdose blocks the synergetic, complementary effect of the ingredients and can almost trigger the opposite effects. Especially valerian is known to cause anxiety in too high a dosage. Hence, the composition of SAMINA Night is gentle, but reasonably effective.
With SAMINA Night, the SAMINA team of Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson has succeeded in creating a globally unique product that is 100% vegan, free of gluten and lactose, without alcohol and has no side effects. Results achieved with customers demonstrably prove the gentle relaxing and sleep-inducing effect.
Source of picture: SAMINA