Health, sleep, nutrition and movement go hand in hand. A dream of a healthy, happy and long life can only come true when all these issues are taken into consideration. Our modern way of life, daily stress and hectic as well as the consistent feeling of being available all the time have unbalanced the rhythm of our lives.
Of course, this clearly has an effect on healthy sleep, too. Irregular sleeping times, late working hours, problems to fall asleep or to sleep through have an unbalancing impact on our sleeping behavior. Often people are unaware of the consequences of an unbalanced sleeping rhythm, sleep disturbances and daytime tiredness are not really taken serious, as Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zulley, German Academy of Health and Sleep (DAGS), states. People only start to think about sleep, its importance for our health and wellbeing when health issues arise, when sleep disturbances become chronical or when suffering under depressions or burnout.
Besides a balanced nutrition and sufficient exercise you should care for sufficient and healthy sleep. Sleep is essential for our health! On an average, in a year every human being spends 120 days sleeping! The more important it is to know the difference between “sleeping” and “sleeping healthy” – and what to do for a healthy sleep. “You are jeopardizing your health, wellbeing, performance and your joie de vivre when you are having a bad or too short sleep”, so sleeping expert Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson. The development of many civilization diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases is in the forefront.
Find here some useful hints of sleeping expert Prof. Dr. med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson for your healthy sleep.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.