Light is a very important external impulse generator. On the one hand it is about light intensity and on the other hand about electromagnetic impulses, which are out of the visible light spectrum. One thing is certain: during the day, most people work in buildings, very often on computers. Here, there is clearly too less natural day- and sunlight. Because, the difference between inside and outside is huge: well-lit offices have a light-intensity of 700-800 lux, a sunny day has more than 100.000 lux.
But, we do need the light. Only with enough of light, the light dependent hormone balance of the happy hormone serotonin and of the sleeping hormone melatonin are working properly. Experiments show that this is possible from about 3.000 lux on, 10.000 lux are better. You will only have enough of the sleeping hormone melatonin in the evening and in the night when you have enough serotonin. So, combine your breaks with “light- and sun-showers”! Here it is important to understand, that is also about electromagnetic impulses. In all likelihood, they are docking with certain receptors in our retina. Out of this reason, when sunbathing spectacle wearers should take off their spectacles (sunglasses, too). But never look directly at the sun, enjoy the sun with closed eyes. Whenever possible, use sunrises and sunsets. In doing so, you are optimally adapting your inner “central clock” to the outer impulse generator light and sun!
Imagesource: @istock
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