A disturbance-free sleeping place is essential for healthy and restful sleep. Mainly, our sleeping rhythm is directed by light and darkness. Light keeps us awake, darkness enhances disturbance free sleep.
Day light is awakening us. Due to solar radiation our brain produces serotonin that has a stimulating effect on our body. Serotonin is a hormonal precursor of the sleeping hormone melatonin. But: light reduces production of melatonin. Darkness on the other hand enhances production of melatonin and signalizes the body to fall asleep. Since serotonin is a precursor-hormone for melatonin, high solar irradiation during the day may increase melatonin production in the following night a fortiori when you care for darkness then.
Often, this condition is not met. Especially during the last couple of years the use of media like smartphones and other screens have influenced our sleep negatively. This is because our light-receptors particularly react on blue tones in the light. Melatonin production is stopped and this hinders us from falling asleep. Computer, smartphones and flat screens have a high share on blue light and therefore should be turned off two hours before going to sleep so that they don’t interfere with falling asleep.
The pineal gland is one of the most sensitive organs in our body. It is receiving impulses via the retina and reacts during sleep onto the least luminous stimulus. Only a completely dark sleeping place offers optimal conditions for falling asleep resp. sleeping through. Due to the absence of light, blockades of our light receptors in our pineal gland get dissolved. Because of that, sufficient melatonin is produced. Melatonin is not only important for healthy sleep but also enhances our health and regeneration of our body. But, there is more: The pineal gland not only reacts to light but also to electromagnetic waves. These have a negative effect on our sleep -– the so-called electromagnetic pollution has noticeable negative effects on the production of melatonin; because of the pollution, production may be slowed down, inhibited or even blocked.
Sleep is the natural healing- and recreation-process of the body. This is exactly the reason why a disturbance-free sleeping place is so important: we have to offer our body perfect pre-conditions for healthy sleep to ensure health and joie de vivre.
So, the ideal sleeping place is free from electronic stress and any source of light. In our high-tech world full of radiation it often is impossible to completely avoid these radiations. But, a large-scale body grounding supports our falling asleep and sleeping through as well as melatonin production, like researches in a sleep lab proved.
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