What are the real causes of many diseases
People concerned name “usual suspects” as cause for the drastic development of our health (see article “Is there still hope for our health?”): harassment at work, unemployment and problems at work, relational conflicts and our “high-speed-society” in general. According to experts, the main reasons for health disturbances and diseases are not – unlike many medical representatives or pharmaceutics claim – viruses, bacteria, fungal, pollen or other physical factors. Primarily health disturbances occur because of the changed surrounding (chemicals, breathing air, food poisons, electromagnetic pollution) and changes in lifestyles (nicotine, caffeine, medication etc.). These things are harmful for our health and jeopardize it.
Of course, sleep is among these “endangered” things. After all, sleep takes up 30 % of our lifetime. According to the World Association for Sleep Medicine (WASM), 47 % of the world population suffer under sleep disturbances. Here, science clearly reveals the connections of typical civilization illnesses like cardio-vascular-diseases, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, overweight, hormonal disturbances, depressions, mental disturbances, burnout, Alzheimer’s, cancer etc. with disturbed sleep resp. with increasing lack of sleep. There is practically no health disturbance that is not supported or even triggered by sleep disturbances or lack of sleep.
So, according to current surveys, more than 90 % of all people are concerned by mental and/or physical health disturbances. This means that these more than 90 % somehow are sleep disturbed as well! Because, experiences and studies show that the tiniest health disturbance is already changing sleeping quality. Prof. Karl Hecht, one of my sleep-medicine-partners, was able to recognize in his sleep profiles that a cold was coming on. Because, in this case his sleeping profile was noticeably changing. Recently, sleep science showed that sleep disturbances and lack of sleep even affect gene activity. Persistent sleep disturbances and chronical lack of sleep lead to a weakening of the immune system incl. a weaker tumor resistance, inflammatory processes are triggered and important self-regulation-, self-repair- and self-healing-processes are disturbed or blocked.
So, with regard to illness, well-being, health and healing sleep is and remains key factor #1. According to my 30 years of experience, a healthy, bioenergetic sleep® is quickly leading to an immunization again. And this automatically initiates a healing process! When additionally considering healthy nutrition, health-oriented movement and sufficient gravity stimuli the chances are good that we preserve physical and mental vitality well into old age. Overall, it is important to direct all our ways of thinking, doctrines, beliefs, inner convictions and necessary actions towards health. On the same principle, regaining health (self-healing) becomes possible.
In my opinion, this means that in future a medical-therapeutical treatment automatically has to be accompanied by a holistic sleep regulation! And exactly this development is already recognizable with progressive doctors, physicians, alternative practitioners and therapists. An example for this is Dietrich Klinghardt, MD PhD (Sophia Health Institute, Seattle, CA), twice honored as the world best integrative physician. He is not only recommending the SAMINA sleep-healthy-concept for people suffering under cancer, meanwhile the concept has become a fix component of his treatments and therapies. Recently, Klinghardt propagated the importance of a healthy sleep on medical and therapeutical congresses as well as on his worldwide training seminars.
But – is there an obvious tendency? Read more in part 3.
Receive further information at no charge in the sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”.
Image source: @istock
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