The change in the hormonal balance of adolescents or the starting time of morning obligations can’t be influenced. But some things that make sleeping easier and more effective certainly can.
- Turn the bedroom into a feel-good-oasis. To be able to sleep well, the bedroom has to be cool, quiet and dark. A study of the American psychologist Mary A. Carskadon reveals the increased sensitivity of the circadian system to light in early/mid-puberty. Therefore, ban tablet, computer, smartphone from the bedroom.
- A holistic, natural sleeping underlay creates perfect preconditions for recovery and regeneration.
- A short power nap at lunch-time reduces any sleep debt and enhances performance.
- Watch your caffeine-intake. It’s advisable to drink caffeine containing beverages early enough. Nicotine and alcohol not only harm our health but also disturb our sleep.
- Develop a regular sleep-wake-cycle. Ensure, that you don’t sleep more than two to three hours longer on weekends. Otherwise your inner clock will be disturbed and sleeping will become an even bigger problem (only applies for teenagers, otherwise max. 1.5 hours).
- It is advisable to have your last meal and/or strenuous sports activities at least one to two hours before going to bed.
- Learning or doing homework last-minute, watching stressful movies late – all these things are bad preconditions for falling asleep easy. Calm evening activities like a warm bath or reading best enable restful falling asleep. Like this, your rhythm can easily adjust to sleeping.
- Make a to-do-list. By this, nothing can be forgotten and you can fall asleep relaxed.
- Just try, how good and attractive you are feeling with sufficient sleep – and how much fun the following day is going to be.
- Keep a sleep-diary and write down your needs resp. what you have to change to get sufficient sleep and to therewith stay healthy, happy and smart!
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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