At the latest, when you are having children on your own you realize that babies most of the time are not sleeping like the saying wants to suggest. At the beginning of their lives, newborns are not able to distinguish night from day. This ability develops during the first year of living. Hunger is giving rhythm to the smallest children: they are awake when they are hungry, when their need for food, closeness and security is fulfilled, they are asleep.
Especially the first time is a major challenge for new parents. It is reassuring that you are able to influence the sleeping behavior of your children with your own behavior and the own attitude towards sleeping.
Often, the bed is wrongly used as punishment for negative behavior. A mistake which makes it difficult for the child to connect bed with relaxation, calm and rest.
In the evening, when you are tired and worn out from a hard day, from the often missing and disturbed sleep at night it is not easy to be calm and balanced. But, it’s worth it: with little rituals, going to bed will be connected with pleasant feelings. Gentle baby massages in a relaxed atmosphere, a lullaby -– these things will soothe you, too, and will give your child the feeling, that sleep is something beautiful. But, take care: it is not advisable to seek relaxation by falling asleep at mum’s breast or at the baby bottle. Thus, falling asleep will always be connected with sucking and for most children it is difficult to get rid of this habit.
By constantly repeating the same procedure you are also helping your child to learn, that the following time will be a time of longer rest –- namely, the night. And, take it easy in the night: when your child is waking up, avoid too much light, too much activity, too many noises. Breast feed quietly if your baby is hungry, only change the diaper when it is really necessary. During the day, it is completely different: normal sounds, daylight –- all these things soon will show your baby the difference between night and day.
The proper sleep surrounding is not only important for us grown-ups but for the babies, too: a well aired, well-tempered (perfect temperature in your bedroom is from 61°F to 64° F), calm and dark room. The proper sleeping underlay and cover made of natural materials -– for your baby, best would be a sleeping bag appropriate for the time of the year. It is important, that the air supply is not blocked by blankets, pillows or cuddly toys.
Make sure that the after-lunch nap doesn’t take place too late. When your baby sleeps too late into the afternoon it just will not be tired enough for sleeping in the evening.
And, be realistic: a newborn won’t sleep through during the first time. Your household won’t be and doesn’t have to be perfect. Use every possibility to relax and rest yourself. Gratefully accept any help. Like this, you as well as your baby will deal much easier with the change.
Image Source: ©SAMINA
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