Ideally, not only the nature awakens at the onset of spring. We human beings, too, should feel lightness, good mood and an increased urge for movement. Unfortunately, in the months from March ‘til May many of us suffer under spring fever. They feel listless and tired. But, that can change! There are some simple tricks that help to alleviate spring fever.
Hints for alleviating spring fatigue
Besides a balanced nutrition, fresh air and movement, colors, too, might play a significant role in alleviating spring fever.
- Diet rich in vitamins and sufficient water: Avoid too much sweets, ready meals and a rich diet. Better strive for freshly prepared and light meals. Thus, your body will be less burdened and you will feel less tired. Use seasonal (and regional) vegetables and fruits, whole-meal cereal products, potatoes, rice, nuts and pulses. These foods will supply you with all vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed.
Too few hydration is a further reason for symptoms of tiredness. Try to drink sufficiently during the day; ideally from 1.5 to two liters. Suitable are pure water, light herbal teas or diluted fruit- or vegetable-juices. - Moderate sports and movement in fresh air: Moderate sport and exercise support your fitness and endurance. Furthermore, it strengthens your immune system. Spend as much time as possible in fresh air. Do expanded walks or a short bicycle tour. The sunrays and the natural daylight stimulate production of the happy hormone serotonin. This cares for a good mood and balance.
- Warm and cold showers activate circulation: Warm and cold showers in the morning or during the day activate your circulation. Furthermore, they support your body in getting along with springtime temperature fluctuations.
- Colorful attire: Bright, bold colors care for a good mood. Ban your grey winter garments in your cupboard; wear colorful outfits instead. Red, for example, activates and revives.
- The proper sleep surrounding: A proper sleep surrounding as well as the proper sleeping underlay care for a healthy, regenerative sleep. After a night of restful sleeping you will wake up rested and start fresh into a new day.
In our next article we will write about how wild herbs counteract spring fatigue.
Imagesource: @istock