Our modern way of living unbalances our inner clock and disturbs our hormone balance. Effects are – amongst others – an accelerated aging process and the development of degenerative diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardio-vascular diseases etc. Healthy, restful sleep can counteract decisively.
Exact observation and –- if necessary –- regulatory intervention in our everyday routine support us in organizing our daily routine in a way that nothing is in the way of a recreational night. Because: night like day. And of course vice versa: day like night. So, it’s in our hands: this counteraction offers the possibility to achieve big improvements even with tiny changes.
Decisive is our personal lifestyle. Regular exercise in fresh air helps your circulatory and our metabolism get going. During research, sleep scientist Bard Cardinal and his team found a further positive effect of exercise: with 65 % of participants that regularly made sports for 150 minutes per week insomnia was reduced and they were able to concentrate better during the day.
A nutrition with too much sugar and carbohydrates leads to fluctuations in the blood sugar level which possibly are going to influence your sleep. It is much better to care for nutrient-rich vegetables and healthy fat like linseed oil or avocados. Tryptophan-containing food like soybeans, cashew nuts, chicken or salmon etc. are soporific. Our body transforms the mood-lifting aminoacid tryptophan into the “happy hormone” serotonin, precursor of the sleeping hormone melatonin.
To support our body functions, sufficient fluid intake is as important, best would be living, fresh water. But be careful: don’t drink too much directly before going to bed, otherwise your nightly rest will be disturbed by several visits to the toilette.
Relaxation exercises like meditation, yoga or autogenic training support in reducing stress and have a positive influence on our personal attitude towards life (satisfaction, gratitude).
A regular sleep-wake-cycle supports us in preventing fall asleep- and overall sleep disturbances.
But, just as important as our personal contribution to reestful sleep are the preconditions that shape our sleep surroundings. Dark, quiet, cool –- ideally between 61°F and 64 °F -– that’s how our bed room should be. A little side note: use your bed only for sleeping and sex. When you ban all other distractions from your bed room you soon will connect your bed room with relaxation and therefore will fall asleep more easily. And this preferably in a bed that supports your intentions to sleep healthy and restful.
Last but not least, it is important to give sleep and the recreation for body, mind and soul that comes along with it the significance they deserve: healthy, effective and restful sleep is the basic for our health and our well-being. Out of this reason, sleep and its optimization deserve our whole attention.
Receive further information in the sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
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