Few exercise, frequent colds and temporarily unbalanced diet strained our body during winter. The change from the dark season into the bright season is a further challenge and is often connected with increased tiredness. Almost every second person suffers under the transition period. Studies show that especially young people and women are mostly concerned by it.
Due to the less present sunlight in winter, fewer of the happy-hormone serotonin but more of the sleep hormone melatonin got produced. Now, the days became longer again. On the one hand this is extremely healthy for our well-being as well as for the creation of vitamin D and serotonin on the other hand the light is inhibiting melatonin production. But not only the hormonal balance is influenced by the change: due to the increasing temperatures our blood vessels widen and the blood pressure sinks. Until the arising imbalance is fairly evened out, tiredness and listlessness are often noticeable.
Following hints support you in getting spring fatigue over and done!
- walks and movement in fresh air – best, before lunch time – and deliberately chosen dark surrounding in the evening quickly balance out your serotonin- and melatonin-level
- Contrast showers or cures according to Kneipp make less susceptible to frequent temperature fluctuations in spring
- a power nap at lunch time
- adiet rich in vitamins with seasonal delicacies from the garden store vitamins
- especially take care for the proper sleep surrounding as well as the proper sleeping underlay. When you have a high-quality-sleep disturbing tiredness soon will be a thing of the past
Image Source: ©fotolia
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