Spring is here. Daisies and dandelions are visible here and there, birds chirp. With the awakening of nature most humans say good bye to hibernation, too. But, not all of us are full of energy. At the beginning of spring, some suffer under symptoms like tiredness, exhaustion, listlessness, circulatory problems, irritability, weather sensitivity and head ache; all of them signs of the so-called spring fever. But, how do these symptoms arise?
Causes for spring fatigue
The causes for spring fever have not yet been clearly scientifically established. It is assumed, that especially the change into warmer temperatures, longer sun radiation, a lack of nutrients as well as hormones are responsible for it. Due to the longer lasting days, our body receives more daylight; the production of the “happy hormone” serotonin is increased. At the same time, production of the sleeping hormone melatonin is inhibited. Besides other things, melatonin is regulating our sleep-wake-rhythm. The change of the hormones unbalances our body – spring fever arises.
Also, the temperature fluctuations get us down. Are the temperatures rising, our blood vessels expand, the blood pressure decreases. This might lead to tiredness. During the cold winter months the nutrient supply is decreased due to a decelerated metabolism. The immune system – already weakened by winter – reacts on the existing lack of energy. Tiredness and listlessness arise.
Are all humans affected the same?
In Germany, about 70 % of the population suffer under spring fever. Especially weather-sensitive people and those already suffering under a low blood pressure are more prone to symptoms of spring fever. Usually, this concerns more women than men. Also, rather elder people are affected by spring fever.
How long does spring fatigue last?
Spring fever normally occurs from March to May. During these months, the days continuously become longer plus the weather is changeable.
In the next article you will find some tips for overcoming spring fatigue.
Imagesource: @fotolia
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