Headaches are some of the unpleasant companions of everyday life and might make it pretty uncomfortable. Besides usual tips like drink sufficient water, use the proper orthopedic pillow or go into fresh air, there are several unusual hints that provide quick relief:
- Write numbers with your nose: ok, this might sound weird somehow. But, actually it is an exercise for stretching and loosening-up your neck. Lay down on your back, bend your knees and put your feet on the floor in hip width and take deep breaths into the upper chest. Now write a horizontal eight in the air with your nose tip, at least three times. This exercise is especially helpful when you suffer under tension headache.
- Aromatherapy: ease your headache with the force of herbs. Rub peppermint oil onto your forehead and temple. This, too, is helpful for tension headache.
- Espresso: mix an espresso with lemon juice. Drink it in sips while it is still warm.
- Tongue-gymnastics: did you know, that tense masticatory muscles might lead to headache? Here, gymnastics with your tongue is helpful. Press your tongue 5-10 seconds against your palate and let it drop again. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
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