The alarm clock rings. “No, not now. Just 10 more minutes in bed.” Like this, many of us have already spent up to one hour in a constant sleep-wake up-rhythm. But, we all know to result, too. Instead of being awake you feel even more tired than before. And the following hot shower and the cup of coffee are not helpful, either.
Common “getting-up-sins”
Press snooze button
Instead of pressing the snooze button set the alarm clock half an hour later and get up right after the alarm goes off. Stretch yourself, put your cover aside and take a couple of deep breaths. This gets your circulation going and helps people with a low blood pressure.
Gentle awakening in the dark
Incidence of light is playing an important role when it comes to waking up. To fall asleep easier and to block out disturbing light it is advisable to completely close the shutter in the evening. Due to this, the bedroom still is dark in the morning. Since light is increasing the production of the “wake-hormone” serotonin it is hard to wake up in complete darkness. To enhance serotonin production, use of a so-called “light alarm clock” is advisable. The light-alarm-clock imitates sunrise and leads so a soft and natural waking up. Thanks to different brightness levels an integrated lamp slowly initiates waking up.
Hot shower
Many count on a hot shower to come alive. But, when it’s hard for you to get up in the morning this is counterproductive. Thanks to the hot water, the blood pressure decreases and the muscles relax. Hence, tiredness is increased. Better take a lukewarm shower and finish it with showering the feet with cold water. This increases circulation and you wake up.
Fast shaving in the morning
Often men shave in the morning. But, sometimes the skin reacts sensitively, red spots appear or sometimes they cut themselves and the bleeding can’t be arrested at once. If possible, shave in the evening. This allows your skin to relax during the night and cuts have time to heal. Or plan more time for shaving in the morning.
First a cup of coffee instead of water
Most of the time, it is the first thing in the morning: going to the coffee machine. Admitted, a coffee makes the start into the day easier but it can’t balance the lack of liquid that arose during night time. Drink a glass of water first. This increases metabolism and intestinal activity. Mucous membranes become moistened, head ache is prevented and you have more power. After this glass, enjoy your coffee!
Doing sports right after getting up
Tiredness and an insufficiently warmed-up musculature not only minimize effectiveness of the training but also increase the risk of an injury. Furthermore, the possibility of aching muscles increases. But, you don’t have to avoid any morning sport. Just give your body enough time to wake up. Warming up is especially important.
Planning insufficient time for going to the bath room
Going to the bath room might become stressful when you don’t plan enough time for doing so. Rushing to the toilette right before leaving for work and having to wait that everything “runs smoothly” creates pressure. But pushing and pressing unnecessarily stresses this sensitive area. In long term, the risk of getting hemorrhoids and inflammations increases. Plan enough time for using the toilette. By the way: Breakfast and coffee stimulate intestinal activity.