Once in a while, why all know the feeling of an aching back. Back problems are a wide-spread disease. Too few exercise, wear, stress or an improperly bedded back are some reasons.
Our spine is a highly complex system, existing out of 30 different vertebral bodies and – being our body’s axis – takes over some of the most important tasks: the spine is carrying us through everyday life. For this, it has to be especially flexible and strong. Our spine can be divided into five large segments: cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, coccyx and sacrum as well elastic components existing of intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles and small joints.
Most frequent cause of back pain is an untrained, tense musculature in the back. Using an improper sleeping underlay worsens the pain and can have a considerable impact on the quality of our sleep.
By no means, back pain should be ignored. Immediately counteract with exercises and training of the musculature and of the fascial tissue. Here, the intervertebral discs are essential: on the one hand they connect the single vertrebra on the other hand they absorb shocks affecting our body. Due to alternation of movement and rest, the intervertebral discs are supplied with liquids and they remain elastically and intact. When sufficient exercise is missing the discs become brittle and fissured. Disc herniation and inflammation of vertebra might be possible consequences.
But, back pain doesn’t always have to be physical. Psychological stress also might be reason for the pain.
Some simple tips provide a fast relief in almost any situation:
- use of the proper sleeping underlay and improvement of the sleeping quality
- use of the proper pillow with an orthopaedic-anatomic fit
- much exercise during day, preferably in fresh air
- training of the musculature in the back and of the fasciae
- avoid stress and force relaxation during the day
Wherever the pain might come from, it is important to know how to provide relief. Here, on the one hand proper training is important but also the proper positioning of the spine during lying and sitting. Here, the proper pillow can make an enormous difference. Ideally it supports the natural s-shape of the spine. In our wide range of orthopaedic pillows you surely will find the one suitable for you and your neck!
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image Source: ©fotolia
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