Back problems are a widespread disease. The most common cause is an untrained, tense musculature in the back. In no case, you should ignore pains in the back. Best is, to immediately start with regular exercises and training for the musculature in the back. The intervertebral discs are the reason for that: they are not only connecting the single vertebras they are also responsible for absorbing shocks on our body. They need liquid to remain elastically and intact. The alternation of tension and relaxation gets this liquid into the intervertebral discs. If you don’t move, no liquid will reach the intervertebral discs and they will become brittle and fissured. In this case, disc herniation or vertebra-inflammation accompanied by unbearable pains might be the consequence. These complaints may also occur in case of an overload. Be especially careful when bending down and when lifting heavy loads.
But, there are not only physical reasons for pain in the back. More and more often, mental stress is reason for these complaints. Actually it doesn’t matter where the complaints do come from, the important thing is to know how to get rid of them. Besides the mentioned training, the proper positioning of the spine while sitting and lying is very important, too. Here, an orthopaedical pillow can make a huge difference. The proper pillow ideally supports the natural s-shape of the spine and helps to prevent the bend in the neck.
Image Source: ©fotolia
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