When our muscles are sore its a signal of our body that something is wrong. He is kind of forewarning before something more serious is going to happen and thereby gives us the possibility to react. The same thing applies for pain in the neck. When we fail to go to the doctor’s on time chronical head ache might arise – one, even pills often are not able to counteract. But: if you only treat the pain and not its cause (in our case tense neck muscles) it’s only going to be a temporary improvement and the more intense it is going to return. Furthermore, excessive consummation of pain-relieving medication may lead to kidney damages or head ache due to medication.
A further consequence of neck tensions on our body are disturbances in breathing and dysphonia. When your neck is tense, your airways, masticatory muscles and vocal cords knot. People who suffer under a painful neck often are only able to breath shallowly and pressed. This is an enormous impairment in a lot of everyday situations. Nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism) can be due to a tense neck. When the muscles in your neck start to soften again, your breathing as well as your teeth grinding start to improve.
When something is hurtful we avoid any movement that might worsen the pain. And this exactly is the problem: by avoiding any movement of the neck- and shoulder-area severe inflammations of the shoulder-joints might arise. This in turn leads to a susceptibility of calcium deposits in the tendons. A tense neck is not only harmful for head, neck and shoulders. Possibly, the pain in the neck might spread into the whole back. The tense muscles lead to an unnatural pressure on our vertebras. And this further leads to the fact that our intervertebral discs are not sufficiently supplied with nutrients and start to become thin and brittle.
Meanwhile, for most of us pain in the neck is unpleasant, yes, but still common. But it is very important to effectively do something against these tensions. Even if the pain is bearable in the beginning, they might lead to serious health risks and are harmful for our whole body, even up to things like blood pressure and heartbeat. Proper exercises, sufficient movement and the suitable pillow support the release of these tensions. Finally, you are able to say goodbye to your pain in the neck!
Image Source: ©fotolia
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