Less back pain due to a properly bedded back
In the past, for patients who complained about back pain there has been the recommendation to pick a sleeping underlay as hard as possible. Numerous studies of the past few years prove that the spine has to take the same position when standing like when lying. Flexibility –- the main factor when it comes to orthopaedics of sleep -– is the new catchword of healthy sleep. The loin, the sacrum and the shoulder-region are sensitive parts of the body and when the underlay is inflexible they rather tend to a selective pressure.
Meanwhile, for 25-30 % of all adults sleep-disturbances are a daily occurrence. The causes might be manifold. Back pain and muscular tensions are just two among many others. The use of an improper sleeping underlay worsens back pain and might impair sleeping quality. “During sleep, we are changing the sleeping position about 80 times without waking up — and that in just one night. This is due to the so called pressure stimuli that affect the skin. Via an internal controlling system they lead to an automatical body-shifting”, explains sleeping expert Günther W. Amman-Jennson of SAMINA.
A flexible and comfortable sleeping underlay which adapts to the body shape offers an optimal solution for people suffering under sleep-disturbances, since it reduces a frequent changing of the position. On the other hand, when the underlay is too hard a too high contact pressure leads to consciously sensed waives of pain which might interrupt sleep. The result: missing phases of deep sleep and discomfort the next morning. The repetitive sleep-disturbances that might occur every night involve a chronical lack of sleep.
There are many reasons for back pain and they may be treated in many different ways. Some general hints care in almost any situation for a rapid relief from symptoms:
- Use of a proper sleeping underlay; this leads to an improvement of the sleeping quality which results from the orthopaedics of sleep.
- The bedding goods should be made of natural materials so that the bedding climate is warm-dry. Very suitable is sheep wool.
- The use of a pillow with an orhtopaedic-anatomical fit.
- A lot of movement during the day best in fresh air.
- Training of the lower back musculature as well as general of the musculature (for example back training according to Toni Hochreutener with special wall bars).
- Force relaxation during the day and avoid stress. Back pain often is a symptom of psychic causes.
- Consolidate a doctor or therapist when your back pain is not even improving after therapeutic measures.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image Source: ©fotolia
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