Constant accessibility inhibits sleep, decreases sleeping quality and supports sleeping problems. Long since, receiving and writing emails round the clock became a habit. No matter what the time, the digital inbox never sleeps. The consequences are far reaching. Not only for the people concerned but also for the companies. The consequences reach from tiredness via irritability, concentration difficulties and performance problems up to chronic sleep disturbances. Consequences of the constant accessibility of a 24 hour office for the companies: an overtired staff. The risk for accidents at the working place, the way to and from work as well as in the free time rises.
Influence of the “new media” on sleep
Studies of the Institute of Sleep Medicine at the Harvard Medical School revealed, that constantly reachable employees who sleep less than six hours per night are more prone for mistakes and accidents. It is really paradox: employees who sacrifice their time for rest to be more productive actually reach the opposite effect. So, lack of sleep leads to an overtired and sick staff. Often, stress and other health and/or mental problems are the consequences. Not only sick notes increase, the costs for the health system do, too.
24 hour office – take a break
The facts are alarming. Already more than 50 percent of the population suffer under sleeping problems – with a rising trend. The more important it is to actively make a clear cut between working place and free time. Otherwise, coming to a rest is impossible for body and mind. With severe consequences for our health. Also, the companies should really pay attention to sufficient time for recovery and rest. The principals of 24 hours of communication need second thoughts. Companies should make clear that they support a non-availability outside of working times.
Taboo zone bedroom
There is no room for smartphone and its companions in the bedroom. As harsh as this might sound: these devices interfere with sleep. They are not only producing electromagnetic pollution for the brain they also suggest “activity”. Therefore, make your bedroom an “electric-devices-free-zone”. Make it a place of rest and total relaxation. Use relaxation exercises like yoga or autogenous training for calming down. Or an evening walk (without your smartphone) might be a nice evening ritual.
Imagesource: @fotolia
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