For the German association „Tag des Schlafes e.V.“ (Day of Sleep) the longest day and hence the shortest night of the Northern Hemisphere is reason to draw the attention to sleep and its significance for our health, our well-being as well as our motivation and performance. When you are having too few and/or bad sleep you are more easily irritated, more impatient, more prone to mistakes as well as to sickness. Besides exercise and nutrition, sleep plays a key role in the harmonious continuity of our vital energies. This day offers the possibility to reflect your personal sleeping behaviors as well as the value you place to sleep. And to optimize it, if necessary.
We constantly sleep less as well as more and more inefficient
In reality, the number of people with constantly bad sleep has never been larger than nowadays. At the same time, many of us consider sleep as “waste of time”. But, several of our current problems are rather due to a lack of sleep duration as well as of sleeping quality than to a waste of time due to sleep. Too less sleep affects all levels of our lives: During sleep take place:
- 70 % of our physical and
- 100 % of our mental recovery.
It becomes clear, that lack of sleep has a severe impact on our physical power and mental fitness.
On the one hand, most employees, students and especially adolescents accumulate a sleep debt of about five hours per week and are constantly tired. On the other hand, the time spent in bed is no longer efficient. Even if you spend eight hours in bed – some actually sleep just about six hours. It’s quite clear that this has negative effects – physically and mentally.
Better sleep clearly increases performance and protects from diseases
The positive effects of sleep on our performance are easily visible with athletes. Athletes with a good and sufficient sleep are measurably more effective, their risk of injuring is lower, and they are in a better mood. Furthermore, healthy, restful sleep is a valuable prevention for diseases and health disturbances. Starting with infarction and cardio-vascular disturbances via metabolic disorders and diabetes II up to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia and cancer.
Emotional disturbances due to bad sleep
Until now, it was clear that almost all people with mental diseases suffered under sleep disturbances. What’s new, is the fact that sleep disturbances actually are basis for mental diseases like studies of the University of California prove. Thus, bad and especially too few sleep lead to disturbances in emotional behavior and to failure of rational control.
Utilize the forces of healthy sleep
Healthy, restful sleep has certain conditions. Beginning with our daily habits concerning exercise and nutrition, time spent in fresh air via sleeping rituals, a natural sleeping underlay completed with a cozy duvet and a pleasant pillow up to a balanced and undisturbed room climate – all these things significantly influence our sleeping quality. And therewith our quality of life.
Imagesource: @Fotolia