June 21st – Day of Sleep
Sleep, too, has got its own day of action that takes place today, June 21st. Goal of the day of action is the importance of healthy and restful sleep and to draw attention to the health risk sleep disturbance and to prejudices concerning sleep.
Health risk sleep disturbance
About 45 % of the global population suffer more or less severely under sleep disturbances. Disturbances to fall asleep and to sleep through, snoring, sleep apnea or restless-legs-syndrome are some examples of sleep disturbances.
Not always, sleep disturbances are from physical origin (like snoring, sleep apnea). Disturbances to fall asleep and to sleep through might also be from mental origin (like stress, anxiety, depressions, and burn-out). Sleep is for relaxation and regeneration of body and mind. But, when you are suffering under sleep disturbances exactly these two are missing. Amongst others, daytime sleepiness, exhaustion, lack of concentration, decreased performance arise; also, our physique reacts.
Are you too suffering under sleep disturbances? Have you ever thought about changing your habits and checking your sleeping place? Because, our habits and our sleep surrounding significantly influence our sleep.
5 tips for healthy sleep
- Nutrition: A balanced diet significantly contributes to healthy sleep. Eat as much fibers (vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains) and as few saturated fats (except coconut oil) as possible. Largely do without sugar. This helps you to find a deep, restful sleep.
- Movement: Regular exercise and sports in fresh air significantly support healthy sleep.
- Room- and bedding climate: Care for an optimal room climate. The ideal bedroom temperature is between 16° and 18° C, the humidity between 40 and 60 %. Use natural materials, like the ideal climate fiber sheep wool. Sheep wool has the characteristic to absorb humidity up to a third of its own weight and to quickly release it into the surrounding air. Overlays and covers filled with sheep wool care for a dry-warm bedding climate.
- Sleeping system: Your sleeping system should be able to relief and to support your body during the night. By using a holistic and – most important – orthopedic sleeping system you reach optimal regeneration. Because, about 70 % of the mental and about 100 % of the physical regeneration happen during sleep.
- Relaxation: Leave every-day’s hectic and stress behind. Read a good book before going to bed. Or try to relax with yoga or autogenous training.
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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