Use the power of healthy sleep
Restful and healthy sleep has certain biologic pre-conditions. Starting with our daily habits, via sleeping rituals as well as a holistic and – best – natural sleeping underlay up to a balanced and undisturbed room ambience. A healthy and restful sleep effects all areas of life. With simple yet effective measurements you can specifically counteract sleep disturbances. Prof. Dr. med. h. c. Guenther W. Amann-Jennson recommends the 7 health-pillars as a guideline:
- Bioenergetic Sleep® – a 90 percent factor
- Wholesome, naturally-based nutrition – avoid toxins
- Balanced movement, strength and muscular training
- Bio-active water, oxygen
- Positive self-development at all levels
- Healthy building, living, working – avoid toxins
- Relaxation, regeneration, balance, tranquility
The causes and reasons for sleeping problems are complex and manifold. Healthy sleep no longer is a natural process it needs proper pre-conditions. Beside outer factors (wrong sleeping underlay, noise, technically induced radiation, artificial light sources and many more) inner factors (stress, disharmony of body and soul, nutrition and many more), too, influence healthy sleep and reduce performance and quality of life.
Hints for a healthy sleep
- Try to cover your personal sleep need. Take sufficient time for sleep. Integrate the holistic sleep-healthy-concept into your lifestyle.
- Try to go to bed at about the same time and to create a regular sleep-wake-cycle. It is helpful, to know and to consider the own chronotype as well as the individual sleep amount.
- Create a bed with a comfortable mattress, a comfortable cover and bed linen in which you feel well and in which you are able to have a comfortable sleep.
- Try to optimize your sleep surrounding. The perfect room temperature is between 61° and 64° F. Remove all technical devices from your bedroom. Care for peace and darkness.
- Try to plan your dinner early enough. Prefer light and easily digested food.
- Avoid stimulating beverages like coffee or other caffeine-containing beverages right before going to bed.
- Furthermore, avoid alcohol before going to bed. On the one hand alcohol cares for easier falling asleep but makes sleeping through harder.
- Try to plan your sport early enough. Strenuous sport stimulates circulation and rather wakens up than makes tired.
- Try to create sleep-friendly days with relaxation exercises, breathing techniques and Yoga for your inner peace. Create “go-to-bed-rituals”.
- Make your bed your personal quiet zone and ban TV, computer, tablets and mobile phones from your bedroom.
- Enjoy a glass of water after getting up. This balances your water balance. Soak up the sun and fresh air.
- Be cautious when taking chemical sleep pills. Check them first with your doctor.
- Don’t be afraid to consult a doctor when sleep disturbances can’t be traced back to mental strains, physical diseases or adverse environmental influences.
The SAMINA sleep-healthy-concept
Meanwhile, the SAMINA sleep-healthy-concept is used by thousands of people worldwide and stand for highest possible regeneration by sleep. Core of the sleeping concept is based on improvement of sleep resp. reduction of sleep disturbances. A holistically oriented sleep-healthy-concept as well as a sleep-friendly environment (sleeping system – sleeping place – bedroom) supports you in realizing the sleep concept.
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