Did you know that walking barefoot has many positive effects on our body? Walking barefoot on grass, the beach or in the wood leads to a body grounding. Due to this body grounding our vegetative nervous system is calming down, the body relaxes and even stress is relieved.
Earthing (healing earthing) means the direct connection of the human being with the earth’s surface. This can be walking barefoot outside or sitting/lying on the earth. Our body is electrically positively charged. Besides natural charging (electrostatic charge) many electrical charges arise due to artificial electric fields. Mobiles, computer, WLAN and electrical installation in the house belong to them. With the earthing, the body gets in connection with the earth’s surface (negatively charged), a compensation occurs and the body discharges. In former days, walking barefoot was completely normal but nowadays it hardly is seen. Carrying shoes with synthetic- or rubber-soles, walking on asphalt, carpets, concrete and plastic bottoms further intensify the missing discharge.
Earthing overlays have been developed to balance this disturbance, to create the same electrical potential like when walking barefoot. The Lokosana® grounding overlay supports getting into a normal electrical state during sleeping.
Walking barefoot influences physical functions
The sole of our feet “contain” all body-parts and organs. Therefore walking barefoot has a stimulating effect. Furthermore it leads to a strengthening of the foot, thousands of nerve endings and sensors become stimulated, we better fall asleep and our well-being is enhanced. Walking barefoot for 30 minutes every day is enough to support numerous physical processes.
Walking barefoot influences inflammatory processes
Due to pesticides, insecticides, trans fats, cigarettes etc. we are exposed to free radicals which use up valuable electrons in our body. Thanks to the direct contact with the earth’s surface when walking barefoot, free negative electrons flow through our body. These negative electrons have an antioxidant effect and counteract oxidant stress (often cause for diseases and inflammation).
Walking barefoot resp. sleeping grounded helps / supports when having:
- chronical pain
- suffering under sleep disturbances
- high blood pressure and disturbances in the blood flow
- jetlag
- has a positive effect on inflammatory processes
- has a positive effect on healing- and regenerating processes
- enhances energy level
- offers stress relief
- eases head ache and muscle tensions
- regulates bio-rhythm
Now in summer is the perfect time to walk barefoot, test it and take advantage of the many positive effects!
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image source: @fotolia
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