This FAQ need a simpel explanation: for 30 years the sleep biology has been knowing about the positive influence of the earth’s magnetic field on our sleep. For example, we are having a better sleep when we are sleeping in the axis of the undisturbed magnetic field, meaning, with the head in the North. Metal parts (for examples steel or sheet metal) are able to distort the natural earth’s magnetic field which easily can be verified by a compass. Is there any metal in your bed-frame, mattress or close by, the advantages of the natural earth’s magnetic field can’t be used any more. In the “sleep-healthy-concept” of SAMINA, the earth’s magnetic field is seen as a useful and supporting resource for healthy sleep. Out of this reason, the sleeping system is free from magnetizable metals.
Electromagnetic pollution is a huge disturbance factor of healthy sleep. These so-called electric and electromagnetic fields spread through the air and – as is known – even faster through conductive metal. The penetration of these fields in our body causes stress and is straining our immune system. Our sensitive pineal gland, too, sensibly reacts on electromagnetic pollution and hence releases less sleeping hormones. The artificial energy fields are significantly stronger than the earth’s magnetic field, out of this reason it gets superimposed. This almost completely deprives our body from the possibility to cherish the advantages of the earth’s magnetic field and to use them for our own end. Due to the lack of this biologically-physically relevant field it not only may lead to sleep disturbances but also to health problems.
You are able to protect yourself from the negative effects of the artificial electromagnetic fields by a largescale body-grounding with unipolar bio-magnets. These stabilize the natural earth’s magnetic field; special effect carriers reinforce this positive effect. Thus, not only falling asleep is easier but the REM-phases as well phases of deep sleep might increase by 20 %, too. Like this, the complete sleeping process becomes biologically valuable again.
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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