The SAMINA Night Drink is full of healthy and sleep-promoting ingredients and thus forms the basis for a good night’s rest. The SAMINA Relaxing Drink contains not only trace elements and vitamins, but also the power of music medicine and the mysterious placebo effect.
Der Natural Healing Effect
Even during the development of the SAMINA Night Drink, it was the goal to strengthen and activate the Natural Healing Effect as well as the associated valuable self-healing powers of the body. Regarding the placebo effect, scientific research shows the placebos have a proven effect on the body. The placebo effect is increasingly becoming a resource for general well-being and healing – the latter especially in combination with the self-healing powers. This is exactly where SAMINA Night Drink sets in and integrates the principle of self-healing powers into its efficiency.
What does placebo mean?
By definition, a placebo is a drug without any drug substances. From a scientific point of view, however, it has already been proven that the dummy medication can work. It is a complex neurobiological and above all positive reaction in the psyche and in the body.
Prof. Winfried Rief, head of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the University of Marburg and one of the world’s leading placebo researchers, knows a placebo effect and the resulting main effect is based mainly on positive expectations.
Placebo in sleep medicine
In his sleep studies, Rief successively replaces the drugs with placebos; for sleep can be measured both subjectively and objectively. On the one hand, the quality of sleep can be clarified by questioning the subjective well-being, but on the other hand it can also be objectively recorded by polysomnography. In the process, objective parameters are measured and the placebo effect can be shown based on these parameters.
Research with more than 4,000 study participants also shows that although Z-drugs shorten the phase of falling asleep, placebos can achieve the same effect: for the participants of the placebo group also fell asleep more quickly. Prof. Dr. Niroshan Siriwardena, a researcher at the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Lincoln in the US, knows the effectiveness of placebos. Although the study analysis shows that the z-drugs measurably shorten the time of falling asleep, half of the effect is based on a placebo effect.
Scientists are increasingly recommending that great care should be taken when using sleeping pills. Z-medications can lead to addiction, daytime tiredness, and even loss of memory.
The placebo effect with the SAMINA Night Drink
Complementary medicine research has consistently highlighted the positive effects of placebo and confirms that placebos work. Researchers are convinced that healthcare providers can further enhance the effect of placebo by clearly communicating their expectations of success. This also applies to the SAMINA Night Drink. The effect of the Night Drink can be increased by satisfied customers clearly communicating their success.
Even if you are not a placebo believer, the SAMINA Night Drink has been proven to have a soporific and relaxing effect due to its botanical ingredients. The unique mix of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, plant extracts and the cherry-aronia juice promotes the process of falling asleep and has a positive effect on the quality of sleep itself.
Source of picture: Fotolia