Not only our psyche is suffering under constant performance pressure often the permanent stress is too much for our body, as well. Both may lead to back pain – no wonder that 80 to 90 % suffer from it.
Facts like overweight, lack of exercise, wear marks or poor posture further increase the poor starting position not only in advanced age, already adolescents complain about recurring back pain.
Even under optimal conditions our spine has to carry and to move a lot of things. No matter whether we are standing, walking, sitting or lying –- our musculature has to be constantly tense. Only during sleep the musculature relaxes.
But, who is doing the job during that time? Simply our sleeping underlay. Of course, when the bed is too hard, a massive pressure load arises at the main points of support; is the bed too soft, the back is sagging and a curvature arises. And, instead of supporting and relieving our back, it becomes more stressed by tensions. “Like when standing in an upright position, our spine should keep its natural S-shape when lying”, explains the Swiss back expert Toni Hochreutener. “The optimal sleeping system is elastic and supporting at the same time. This enables the spine to keep its shape and counteracts a deformation of the spinal segments” he further mentions.
A combination of a healthy way of living with a vital nutrition, sufficient exercise (best in fresh air), a well-balanced work-life balance and a sleeping underlay that offers your body the proper and important support and enhances healthy, restful sleep brings enormous relief in everyday life. Especially when back pains are bothering you.
Image Source: ©fotolia
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