Gardening ranks among the most popular leisure activities. After work, people weed, dig and maintain their lawn. Since long, scientists have proved that gardening is healthy. The movement and work in the garden is balm for body and soul. Planting, maintaining and harvesting relieves stress, strengthens the immune system, trains muscles and improves sleep.
Gardening is healthy – why?
prevents from back pain
Gardening strengthens the muscles. Almost all muscle-groups are trained; and a well-trained musculature prevents from back pain. But, the proper body posture when planting, sowing, weeding and harvesting is pre-condition for freedom from pain.
is good for bone formation
A strong musculature cares for a healthy bone formation. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production which is needed for strong bones.
is good for your heart
Gardening is good for your cardiovascular system. It leads to a regular heart frequency, cares for a calm pulse and lowers blood pressure. Furthermore, gardening supports the cardio-protective HDL cholesterol.
strengthens the immune system
The immune defense is stimulated by the movement in fresh air and thereby the immune system gets strengthened.
improves breathing
The stay in fresh air leads to a growth of the breathing volume of about 50 %. The deep breaths stimulate metabolism and the well-being is increased.
lifts the spirits
While working in free nature, happy hormones are released. This lifts the mood. Problems and sorrows lose importance while working with plants.
decelerates and reduces stress
The relaxing and calming effect of gardening helps to forget and to let go everyday hectic and stress.
prevents from sleep disturbances
The happy hormone serotonin needs day light. It is pre-cursor of the sleeping hormone melatonin; these two hormones regulate our sleep-wake-cycle. Hence, gardening in daylight and in fresh air contributes to the regulation of the sleep-wake-rhythm. And this positively influences healthy and restful sleep.
leads to a healthier diet
There is another advantage to gardening, when you not only plant flowers but also fruits and vegetables. You can take advantage of a healthier diet. Fruits and vegetables from the own garden are not polluted with pesticides, provided, you don’t use them. Furthermore, transportation fails and this is good for our CO2 footprint.
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