The summer and its warm evenings are inviting to spend more time outdoors, preferably while barbecuing with friends. As important, nice and relaxing events like this are – one thing surely will come off badly: sufficient sleep. Consequences of lack of sleep are severe tiredness, bad mood, irritability, lack of concentration. But, if you constantly have too less sleep, it will have far-reaching consequences on your physical and mental health.
How is regular sleep deprivation affecting our body?
Weight Problems
Sleep deprivation is negatively affecting your body weight and might be a possible reason for having problems in losing weight. Lack of sleep disturbs the hormonal balance, for example of the appetite controlling hormones. And this leads to an enhanced appetite.
Risk of cancer increases
Regular nights of partying result in an increased risk of cancer. According the American Academy of Sleep Medicine especially for breast- and prostate-cancer. Shift workers are especially concerned. Women and men who sleep seven hours per night on an average have the smallest risk to get cancer due to improper sleeping habits.
Heart problems
When you are regularly turning the night into the day you are having a higher risk to suffer under a coronary heart disease. This disease might arise due to a closure or narrowing of the coronary vessels. Furthermore, the risk of a heart attack increases.
Be more prone to illness
Already a small amount of sleep deprivation might negatively affect our body and weaken the immune system, as studies show. Sufficient sleep is essential for physical and mental health.
Less pleasurable sensations
The pleasurable sensation of young men who work or celebrate instead of sleep during the night is disturbed. A study of the University of Chicago proved that already a one-time sleep deprivation significantly decreases the level of sex hormones. 10 male test persons participating in the study furthermore reported that their mood clearly worsened after sleep deprivation.
Appearance worsens
Long nights often are recognizable in the face. When you have spent one night without sleeping you are not looking as fresh as after a night with sufficient sleep. An US-American study with test persons of 30-50 years of age showed that long term sleep deprivation leaves visible signs on the skin. Conclusion: sufficient and healthy sleep makes beautiful!
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