The effects of bad and too less sleep on our health, our well-being and our performance are manifold. Sleep scientists make a direct connection between rising pressure and the increase of sleep disturbances.
Because of the existing tiredness due to the bad quality of sleep the amount of work can’t be achieved, the concentration suffers under too less sleep, the work becomes difficult, there is hardly any progress in work, the stress gets bigger and the working days longer, time for recovery and relaxation misses, sleeping gets more and more difficult. A real vicious circle.
Exactly the missing balance leads to circling thoughts, falling asleep becomes impossible, the nights endless, the pressure of wanting and having to sleep bigger. But, without sufficient sleep we are not only feeling burned out, too less sleep often leads into the dreaded burnout.
Amongst others, the work-life-balance is unbalanced, too much sedentary work as well as disregard of the natural rhythms like for example this, that we are not only having a repetitive cycle during sleep but also during day: after 90 – 100 minutes activity a short break for body, mind and soul, take deep breaths –- ideally in fresh air –- have a really good stretch, shortly close your eyes — lead to the fact that more and more people are feeling overstrained, sleep bad and are prone to diseases.
Our ancestors were living with the rhythm of the nature: the first light of the day woke them up, physical work predominated, in-between they took a break. The evenings were not artificially prolonged by light, TV or computer. Ideally a work-filled day came to an end in the family or sometimes with friends, playing a game, making music and was followed by the well-deserved rest in restful sleep. Because of the natural darkness this sleep had better pre-conditions; the sleeping hormone melatonin is only released in complete darkness.
Start with simple things: during the day frequently take short breaks. This enables body, mind and soul to take a breath. Then, it is much easier to cope the requirements. In the evening, take a walk in fresh air, meet some friends or spend an evening with your partner instead of switching off in front of the TV, a contradiction within itself, by the way. Drink a calming herbal tea or use a simple hint of Kneipp: leg-washing with cold water enhances healthy sleep. By the way: don’t dry your feet, simply put on warm socks. Care for darkness and the perfect temperature in your bedroom. Check, whether your sleeping underlay supports sleep and recovery.
Soon, you will notice: after these simple things, it will be easier to escape the eternal cycle of work and pressure, to relax and to sleep. Then, you will have enough energy to start with bigger and also necessary changes: maybe a pending change in eating habits, more sports and exercise ….
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