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International World Sleep Day: time to rethink
The International World Sleeping Day wants to mobilize against the widespread effects of sleeping disorders Sleep is seriously neglected... Read more
Staying healthy and well rested all winter
The cold winter months mean high season for germs and viruses. One outbreak of the common cold is often followed by another. Wet and cold... Read more
Sleepless due to headaches
Headaches and sleep disturbances often go hand in hand. Headaches don’t only occur during daytime. Such attacks are also possible at... Read more
Hands off the snooze button!
There are two kinds of people: those who jump out of the bed fit and alert after the first sound of the alarm clock or maybe don’t even... Read more
Prevent tensions at office workstations with dynamic sitting
You think, an ergonomic working station is enough to prevent tensions and pain in the neck, shoulder and back? You are clearly mistaken.... Read more
Heavy schoolbags strain the sensitive back of children
School has different challenges for our kids and teens. So, instead of chilling in bed they have to get up early in the morning and spend... Read more
Hot nights need cool hints
Summer, sun, hot nights. But, how are we supposed to sleep in the heat? The following hints will help you to get relaxing sleep and to wake... Read more
Natural rubber versus synthetic mattresses #1
You’d like to sleep healthy and organic (“bio”/”eco”)? Then you also have to deal with the contents of your mattress. Many... Read more
How harmful is draft?
Outside, the temperature rises above 30 degrees Celsius, inside, air conditions and fans care for the cooling needed. But, be cautious: at... Read more
A SAMINA dream made of merino sheep wool
Duvets and pads filled with 100 % bio sheep wool in merino quality care for a heavenly sleeping experience. Furthermore, sheep wool is said... Read more
Severe and even dangerous consequences of too few sleep
Already the German Physician Hufeland (1762-1836) quoted in a saying: “A human being ages during the day and rejuvenates during the... Read more
Dreaming during pregnancy #2
In the first part of the interview of sleep psychologist Prof. Dr. Günther W. Amann-Jennson with the journal „Leben & Erziehen”... Read more
Optimize box-spring beds!
Problems to fall asleep and to sleep through in spite of an expensive box-spring? We have the solution! More and more people with sleep... Read more
Mentally fit with bioenergetic sleep® #4
Avoid sleeping pills These studies (see #2) include other important information. For example, why sleeping pills and sedatives may do more... Read more
Mentally fit with bioenergetic sleep® #3
Why the brain makes room during sleep These groundbreaking scientific results are an important indication on why the synaptic strength... Read more
Mentally fit with bioenergetic sleep® #2
Our brain – most important control center Our brain plays a key role when it comes to be mentally fit. It consists of about 100 billion... Read more
Mentally fit with bioenergetic sleep® #1
For nearly 30 years, with my researches I not only strive to develop and offer solutions for the biological best sleep but also to explain... Read more
Training of the fascial network against back pain
Our fascial network are connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. They are found in our whole body; they cover every muscular fiber, every... Read more
Help your baby to quickly and softly fall asleep
Normally, babies learn within their first six to eight weeks to differ between day and night. The number of waking phases during the day... Read more
5 hints for baby’s perfect sleep environment
For babies the sleep environment, too, plays a significant role when it comes to healthy, restful sleep. A good sleep environment optimally... Read more
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