Because of inner and outer damaging influences on our pineal gland, more and more people are having problems in taking their vital energy in balance. Within the holistic sleep-healthy-concept (SAMINA) the sleeping overlay Lokosana® is used since more than 20 years for harmonization of sleeping places, for protection against electromagnetic influences and therewith for maintenance of the function of the pineal gland. So, with the application of natural active principles like contactless body grounding, compensation of electromagnetic pollution and strengthening of the natural earth-magnetic-field, this bioenergetic sleeping overlay is in the position to rebuilt important biologic basics for healthy, recreational sleep.
This enables the pineal gland to recover so that the production of the important sleeping hormone melatonin is stimulated and the body therewith gets back its natural ability to regenerate. Don’t forget: there is no organ, no tissue, and no singular cell that is not “suffering” under the negative effects of unhealthy and too short sleep resp. that doesn’t benefit from the positive effects of healthy, bioenergetic sleep®!
This is how you are able to re-activate your pineal gland again
The pineal gland is also called the “master-gland” of our hormonal system. The released melatonin is a “key-hormone” and is influencing more than 100 processes of our body. This hormone is the elementary basis for your well-being, your sleep, your dreams, your awake-consciousness, your imagination, your creativity and your empathic behavior. Furthermore, the pineal gland is associated with our widened perceptual capacity resp. with our “Third Eye”. In any case it is worth to activate the function of your pineal gland and maintain it. Here, find some summarized hints:
• Optimize your bed/sleeping system (SAMINA) and your sleeping place.
• Ground your body during sleeping (Lokosana®).
• Care for enough day- and sunlight during the day (serotonin) and for absolute darkness on your sleeping place (melatonin).
• Ground yourself at your working place, too (Lokosana® seat cover) and prefer bio-lightning-systems.
• Sufficient exercise (sport) and muscular training favor the bio-synthesis from serotonin to melatonin.
• Start to consequently avoid fluoride.
• Detox your body with natural zeolite (for example Panaceo).
• Relive liver-strain with milk-thistle, dandelion root, curcuperine, bitterstern and similar natural substances.
• To eliminate toxic substances and to relive the liver from its strain, intestinal cleansing cures make sense.
• Daily drink about 3 % of your body weight bio-active water (for example 2.4 litres of water when having 80 kg)
• Use citrus oils (for example breathe in neroli). These stimulate production of melatonin.
• In case you are using your mobile phone regularly, get yourself a mobile-protection-cover (for example).
• Remember that caffeine, nicotine and excessive alcohol-use might negatively influence the activity of the pineal gland.
• Prefer light, tryptophan-containing sleep-healthy-food (for example fish, chicken). Don’t forget a small portion carbohydrates — these stimulate the release of insulin which in turn enhances the ingestion of tryptophan in the brain.
• Take sufficient breaks during the day, take deep breaths, get to know and use the art of power napping.
• At least four times a week stick to regular fall asleep and wake up times. The sleeping time before midnight is especially valuable for the deep sleep phases and for regeneration of our nervous system (“nature sleep”).
When you take these suggestions into consideration, you may take a life-long benefit from the positive and biologic effects of an active pineal gland on the health of your body, mind and soul.
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