As explained in the previous article, the US scientists Steven Hill and David Blask found out about the influence of light on the growth of cancer cells resp. about the growth-inhibiting effect of melatonin. But how did they do that?
The scientists divided rats suffering from cancer into four groups. Two groups slept in total darkness, the other two groups in soft dim light. In each case, one group additionally received an anti-cancer drug. Here, they observed two very interesting results:
- The cancer tissue of the rats sleeping in dim light grew 2.6 times faster than the cancer tissue of the rats sleeping in total darkness. The melatonin level of the dim-light-rats remained low, just like as living in permanent daylight. And this even without full light – only a small amount of light lead to this. This clearly proves that only a small light source is blocking the production of melatonin in the pineal gland. The missing melatonin on the other hand activates the growth of cancer.
- The used anti-cancer drug was not only less effective in the group of the dim-light-rats, it was completely ineffective! In spite of the drugs the cancer grew uninhibitedly. So, light at night makes cancer cells immune to the anti-cancer drug (in the study they worked with tamoxifen).
The “cross check” led to the counterevidence: as soon as the dim-light-rats received melatonin injections the anti-cancer drug had an effect again. The scientists assume that melatonin restores the vulnerability of cancer cells and seems to turn off their growth mechanisms.
Consequently, from a healthy perspective it is of utmost importance to go to bed in the evening on time and to care for a bedroom as dark as possible. This is important for healthy people (preventive) as well as for sick people (therapeutic). And it seems that it is especially important for avoiding cancer as well as for already existing cancerous diseases.
Melatonin intake?
But, from the scientific-therapeutic point of view it is not advisable to take melatonin on one’s own initiative. Especially when already suffering under cancer the correct timing of the intake is said to be very important. But exactly this aspect is not completely clear yet and further studies are needed. When you take melatonin thoughtless and without expert advice it might be possible that the day-night-rhythm gets completely unbalanced – and this might support cancer. So, if you are thinking about a melatonin intake you have to seek the advice of a competent therapist.
It is much safer and easier to actually optimize your sleep by using a nature-like sleep-healthy-concept (SAMINA). When considering the 10 MUST-criteria and caring for total darkness you are having the best preconditions for taking advantage of the healing powers of sleep.
Electromagnetic pollution inhibits melatonin production
In the US there are numerous studies and books concerning melatonin. Melatonin is not only sleep enhancing. Melatonin fulfills numerous other important tasks in the body and only a part of them are explored. In their education doctors hardly learn something about melatonin and the gland it is produced – in the pineal gland. That is rather astonishing when taking a look at the scientific literature. Melatonin is the so far discovered most powerful antioxidant for fighting against free radicals.
It lowers the cholesterol level, lifts the mood and cares for a lifespan prolonged by a third (at least in animal experiments). Since many years it is a known fact that not only light is inhibiting melatonin production but also electromagnetic pollution. Animal experiments prove the harmful effect of electromagnetic pollution on the pineal gland. For 20 hours per day rats have been exposed to an electric field of 60 Hertz – the same frequency as household appliances. After one month, the melatonin release of the rats practically came to a standstill. As soon as the electromagnetic pollution was withdrawn the melatonin production increased to a normal amount within three days. In a constant electric field – even with low intensity – the pineal gland has no chance of recovering. According to a study of the University of Colorado in 1996, the melatonin production of the human being, too, is inhibited by a pulsed electric field. The sleeping overlay Lokosana® – developed under my specification – leads to a large scale body grounding and also can have a positive influence on melatonin production.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image source: @deathtothestockphoto
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