Excercises for your back and your abdominal muscles
Only 15 minutes sports and movement per day are enough to prevent slipped discs. Targeted exercises for your back to strengthen the muscles in your back. It is important to avoid unilateral training. This might only lead into pain and malpositions. Try to connect exercises for your back with exercises for your abdomen, legs and buttocks.
Exercise for the lumbar region – bridge
Goal of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles in the lumbar region. Lay down on your back with bended knees, place your hands and arms at your side and lift your buttocks. Underneath your back and your legs now is a hollow space. Try to pull in your belly. Then, put your back and your buttocks flat on the floor again. Repeat 15 times.
Exercise for abdominal muscles
This exercise strengthens your abdominal muscles and supports strengthening both sides of your torso. Lay down on your back with bended knees, interlock your hands behind your head, tilt your pelvis downwards. Your back touches the floor. Your abdominal muscles are flex. Now, lift your left knee, bring your right elbow together with the outer side of your left knee. Change sides. Repeat 15 times. In case your head becomes too heavy, place your chin on your chest.
Try to integrated the exercises for your back into everyday life as a daily routine.
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