The meaning of “rest” has a very individual character. For some, “rest” equals healthy, restful sleep. For others, it means to read a good book or simply to relax during a walk in nature. But, it is a fact that rest and relaxation are gaining more and more importance in our everyday life. In our hectic days it is becoming more and more difficult to give our body and mind the rest and relaxation needed.
A study of Durham University examined the connection of rest and well-being resp. health. The so-called “Rest Test” has been conducted with 18,000 participants from 134 different countries. The aim of the study was to examine the rest habits of the participants and their behavior with regard to relaxation and activity. The survey included questions like “How does rest influence health and well-being?” or “How differ people in what they experience as being restful?”
The so far world’s largest ever survey on this topic had the following results:
- 68 % of the population would like to have more rest.
- About one third (32 %) quoted that they need more rest than the average.
- Only 10 % quoted that they need less rest.
- Those, who quoted to need more rest than they do scored lower in terms of health and well-being than the ones who quoted to have more rest than the average resp. who are in no need of more rest.
The scientist Dr. Felicity Callard informed that the findings of the study revealed that the possibility of a human being for rest and relaxation is related with the level of well-being. In the course of the study the scientist emphasized that rest may not be put on a level with laziness.
The 5 quoted most relaxing activities:
- reading
- spending time in nature
- being on their own
- listening to music
- doing nothing
According to Dr. Callard it is interesting that those activities that are considered to be the most relaxing ones are activities done on one’s own. Therefore it is advisable to not only consider the rhythm of rest and activity but also to integrate sufficient time for oneself in everyday life.
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Source: „Rest Test“, Durham University (
Image: @shutterstock
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