More and more people suffer under sleep disturbances, besides disturbances to fall asleep and sleeping through disturbances there are other reasons: sleep apnoea, restless-legs-syndrome or teeth grinding. This throws off the sleep-wake-rhythm and this might have serious consequences for the health for people concerned.
Reaching for chemical sleeping pills has become very common. Worldwide, sleeping pills belong to the most common medications. But, chemical sleep may not become normal – out of this reason, more and more people concerned look for natural sleeping aids. Sleep disturbances are manifold and need to be clarified with your doctor.
Natural sleeping aid
An often forgotten but nonetheless basic pre-condition for healthy sleep is the proper bed, furnished with natural materials. Because, no one prefers sleeping in a chemical plant when he has the possibility to sleep in nature. Especially sheep wool made products have a soothing and relaxing effect on the vegetative nervous system of a sleeping person. Furthermore, they optimally regulate the humidity and warmth during the night and care for a pleasant and harmonic bedding climate. A bed-frame made of aromatic pine-wood for example gives your bedroom a natural atmosphere of a forest.
Sport, a healthy nutrition as well as sufficient natural water count to best supporters of sleep as well. Besides calming herbal teas a glass of warm milk with honey or an apple sauce support falling asleep. The apple peel also has a soothing effect and supports sleep. It’s no coincidence that the apple is a symbol for vitality and health. Besides its calming effect it also helps digestion, stabilizes the sensitive intestinal flora and strengthens the immune system.
Recipe for a tea made of apples
Cut a non-peeled and well washed apple into pieces and pour over half a liter of hot water. Let it brew for one hour. Like this, the valuable ingredients of the apple can develop perfectly. If you want, add two spoons of honey and enjoy your freshly brewed apple tea.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
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