Hearty food eaten at night might deprive from sleep. Learn more about foodstuff that supports healthy and restful sleep in this article. Also, read which meals you’d better avoid before going to bed.
These foodstuff support sleep:
- Light soups
- Whole-meal-products, pulses
- Poultry or fish
- Certain vegetables and fruits
Whole-meal-products, pulses
Magnesium deficiency might cause lack of sleep. Many whole-meal-products and pulses are rich in magnesium and therewith support restful sleep. These include bulgur, millet, barley and chickpeas.
Leaf vegetables
Many leaf vegetables contain folate that favor healthy sleep. Frequent intake of cabbage or spinach, for example, are effective against chronical tiredness.
Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits are not fatty, they contain the natural sweetener fructose as well as magnesium and provide essential vitamins. Especially magnesium calms nerves and contributes to relaxation of the mind. This in turn enhances healthy sleep. Vitamin B6, too, is sleep-enhancing. Different vegetables and fruits like potatoes, beans, cabbage, spinach, lentils, bananas, apples and avocados contain B6.
Avoid the following in the evening:
- Coffee, black tea, green tea
- Caffeine-containing beverages
- Sugary and salty snacks
- Fatty and opulent meals
- Gherkins
- Mature cheeses like camembert, Gouda, mozzarella
- Liver
- Different sausages
- Salted, smoked or preserved fish
- Citrus fruits
- Crudités
- Hot meals
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and therefore are stimulating and motivating. Furthermore, oranges, peaches, pineapples and mandarins contain a lot of acid which may cause nighttime indigestion and consequently disturb restful sleep.
Conclusion: You don’t have to starve before going to bed. An empty stomach, too, might lead to non-restful sleep. A light and selected diet may support restful and healthy sleep, on the other hand.
Receive further information at no charge in the sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”.
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