Have you already had to say this once? Don’t worry, you’re in good company! Almost 80 % of all people in industrial countries suffer under back problems. In many cases the pain is chronically and this is a massive impairment of everyday life. Especially concerned are overweight people. In the last few years the frequency of affected persons almost doubled.
Is the cause found in the brain?
Scientists of the University Clinic of Jena, Germany, (UKJ) conducted a study to whether chronical pain induces neurochemical as well as functional permanent alterations in the brain and how they can be relieved resp. influenced by pain therapy. Most of the time, pain in the head or in the back is responsible for a permanent, chronic pain. Comparisons of two magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) of healthy people as well as of pain patients in the period of four weeks will give some clue.
What to do about back pain?
If you suffer under back pain only once in a while you can help yourself with some small exercises and actions. But, when suffering under chronical back pain it is advisable to seek medical advice resp. to consult a therapist. When the back is only pinching once in a while often things like heat therapies, massages, exercises or a proper sleeping underlay are easing the complaints. Also, it is advisable to care for proper and back-friendly lifting and transportation of heavy weights. A healthy nutrition with sufficient fibers and nutrients is also important for a healthy back.
Healthy and vital nutrition
The influence of healthy nutrition on our sleep often is underestimated. Especially an abundant supply of water works wonders. Not only because vertebral bodies consist to 25 % of water but also because the human organism needs water to transport nutrients per diffusion and to supply the intervertebral discs with these nutrients. Besides water, calcium is essential for the human being. Calcium is an important nutrient for a healthy bone formation and furthermore prevents osteoporosis. In combination with phosphor calcium serves bone formation. Calcium and phosphor are especially found in dairy products, almonds, sesame and green vegetables like spinach or rocket salad. Furthermore, lettuce and broccoli supply magnesium and boron. Boron supports the storage of magnesium, calcium and phosphor in the bones.
Exercises for the back
Strengthening of the spine prevents from pain in the back. Simple exercises that are repeated daily perfectly contribute. Most of the time, the exercises are easily integrated in office life and are a lovely change to desk work. Now, sit on a chair, put your arms straight above your head and slightly tilt forward. For 30 seconds, move your arms as fast as possible about a forearm length up and down (similar to a hacking motion). Take care that your spine remains stretched. This exercise can also be done with some light weight like for example filled water bottles. Be sure, that your muscles, tendons and ligaments are warmed up.
Sleeping underlay
Often, complaints in the back can be prevented by changing to the proper bed- and sleeping-system. An orthopedic backing of the spine is essential. Only when the spine is sufficiently supported any complaints can be prevented. A cramped posture due to an insufficient mattress or slat frame not only leads to inconvenient tensions but also to possible malpositions. Besides an orthopedic bed it is advisable to care for a proper pillow. This will perfectly support the sensible musculature in the neck.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Image source: @fotolia
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