Long since, the familiar sleep disturber noise, light and trouble are in good company. Constant performance pressure at work as well as during leisure (e.g., in recreational sport, too, the premise is “success”), theater, cinema, taxi service for the offspring, no “obligatory date” can be missed (just think to the innumerable Christmas parties of company, choir and music school, …). Instead of relaxing, tension is increased every evening with computer, TV and social media. It seems that if you are or want to be successful you can’t afford relaxation. “I have no time” is the maxim.
It seems to work for some time but sooner or later side effects appear inevitably. Missing time for real social contacts, bad mood, poor concentration, constantly the feeling of being insufficient – because, there are so many things left to do… And the only break you are willing to reward yourself with – sleep – is not as restful as you wish. Provided you are able to sleep at all. Hardly remarkable, the accumulated stress cocktail scarcely reduces. Lack of sleep with all its consequences arises.
Successful or sick?
Cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, mental diseases, burnout may be due to various causes. But, research clearly proves that one of the major cause is lack of restful sleep.
What to do?
The first and most important step is to make yourself aware that you are caught in the trap of success and performance. The second and equally important one: care for the proper pre-conditions for a healthy and restful sleep. Starting with the suitable dinner sometimes accompanied by one or two glasses of red wine; evening relaxation with reading, going for a walk or nice conversations; up to design of your bedroom and the furnishing of the most important sleeping companion: your bed.
Ask yourself whether all appointments really have to be made. Once a week, start to spend your evening time with a relaxing bath instead of watching CSI. Turn your bed into a cozy retreat.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
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