Healthy, restful sleep is the basis for regeneration of body and mind. Bad sleep leads to tensions and back pain. To avoid these, you should care in advance for appropriate conditions for a relaxed and restful sleep. These include inter alia a suitable position to fall asleep as well as an orthopedic bedding content that cares for relaxation and support.
Back relieving lying position
Normally, during night we are changing our sleeping position from 30 to 60 times to balance a poor posture. Every one of us has a preferred position to fall asleep. But, not any sleeping position is relieving your spine, your back as well as your musculature in the neck and back.
Prone position: Sleeping on your stomach may lead to complaints in the area of the cervical spine. When lying like this your neck-muscles are not able to relax completely since you have to turn your head left or right. Furthermore, this position leads to a hollow back and may lead to back pain.
Dorsal position: When using a correct sleeping underlay this position leads to supporting the natural shape of the spine and to a neutral position of the neck. Lying like this will support you in avoiding neck tensions and back pain.
Lateral position: Sleeping on the side cares for a straight spine. Provided that you are using the proper sleeping underlay. Point elasticity is important, also the use of a suitable pillow to ensure support for your head and cervical spine.
Is there a bed that supports relief of back, spine and muscles?
It is important that our spine can keep its natural form during lying. Only when this is ensured our intervertebral discs will optimally regenerate. Furthermore, a proper bedding content prevents neck tensions and back pain. Therefore care for using an orthopedic bedding system.
Preconditions for a bed with orthopedic bedding content are:
- A flexible, freely suspended slat frame that cares for an optimal positioning of the body.
- A point elastic mattress caring for an adaption to body weight without time loss.
- An overlay and cover that care for optimal bedding climate.
- A pillow caring for an optimal support of the cervical spine.
- A suitable size of your bed ensures sufficient freedom of movement. The width of a single bed should at least be 1m; for a double bed at least 1.80 m. The length should be at least 20 cm longer than the tallest sleeper.
Ideally, the above mentioned components are made of natural materials like for example untreated ash wood, certified natural rubber, untreated sheep wool and cotton.
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Imagesource: @SAMINA
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