Of course, it is a big strain when we are not able to get enough sleep at night and therefore are not recreated and not efficient during the day. The temptation to make up for the missing sleep with a long sleep-break during the day is big. But, you should resist it.
Sleeping strongly during the day, eventually from one to two hours, is counterproductive. By this you are reducing your evening-time sleep pressure which leads to falling asleep difficulties and in consequence to further lack of sleep. Because of the even bigger tiredness the following day, the after-lunch-nap even gets prolonged, the arising vicious circle completely destroys the important and correct rhythm of activity and recreation and therewith supports further sleep disturbances.
Also, after a long after-lunch-nap you are feeling even more whacked than before. Due to too long sleeping you are running the risk that your circulation lowers too strongly and you sink into a phase of deep-sleep. It takes a lot of energy to get out of this phase again and to really wake up to be able to meet the expectations of the rest of the day.
But, a short nap after lunch, 30 minutes the most, is a real energy-boost and part of a correct sleep hygiene which also takes the natural cycles of activity and rest into consideration. You are recharging your batteries until evening and when going to bed have enough tiredness to fall asleep without any problems.