Permanent availability, flood of information, performance pressure – just some toll taking examples of everyday requirements. Burnout might be one consequence; a brain constantly working at full blast another one.
Disturbances to fall asleep and to sleep through
It’s hard for our brain to relax when our system is under permanent strain. Restful sleep and time for relaxation remain an unreachable dream when our thoughts constantly circle around. Often you have the feeling of lying awake in bed for hours, even for nights. But, measurements in the laboratory reveal that people concerned actually are sleeping but their head keeps “spinning around”. The very unwelcome hyperactivity can be verified via EEG; here, beta- and gamma-waves become clearly visible. These waves are signs for wakefulness and high performance. It is hardly surprising that no pleasant nor vitalizing sleep occurs.
Music Medicine is a possible remedy
SAMINA and Sanoson developed in cooperation a simple yet welcome support: the SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System® pillow. Relax, unwind, bring peace to your body and mind – all these things automatically happen thanks to the innovative music medicine and the cozy pillow made of sheep wool. 20 years of research combine high tech, neurologically effective tone sequences, specially composed sounds and compositions packed in natural, biologic materials; electro-biologically optimized and free of any interference zones.
Sanoson music medicine is a natural approach that quickly brings harmony to the axis of nervous-system/heart/brain. Stress and accumulated negative emotions virtually dissolve by itself. A healthy and sleep enhancing well-being arises. Almost like holidays for our stressed brain!
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
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