Indian summer days on the one hand –- foggy and shorter days on the other hand. Exactly these two last-mentioned facts are the reasons why a lot of people are in a depressed mood. Due to lack of light, some are even suffering under depressions.
Like the nature, our body too needs more rest and sleep during winter –- because of the fewer light our pineal gland produces more of the sleeping hormone melatonin, less of the happy hormone serotonin is released. The tasks of melatonin are to lower the inner drive and to make sleepy. This explains, why depressive moods, listlessness and tiredness massively occur during the cold time of the year.
Let’s give body, mind and soul what they need
The effects of lack of sleep and tiredness are manifold, not least they negatively influence our mood. Out of this reason it is important to listen to your body and offer him sufficient and above all efficient sleep. To achieve this, outer preconditions like the proper bed with a wellness-bedding-content as well as a well-tempered, quiet and dark bedroom are playing an important role, of course.
Additionally, a simple walk in daylight can provide some relief. Here it doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or whether it is cloudy: even on a grey day, the strength of the daylight is from 10.000 to 20.000 lux, a room lighting is not able to match this. Only special lamps with daylight-spectrum are able to replace natural daylight . Furthermore, movement outdoors strengthens the immune-system and jolt metabolism and psych into action.
And last but not least: besides all the feasting on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year — let’s consciously offer our body fresh fruit and vegetables during the dark time of the year. These too keep our body and soul light!
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