More than a quarter of all grown-ups is suffering under regular sleep disturbances. It doesn’t matter whether they are due to stress, physical cause or mental illness –- if you follow some easy hints you will take a huge step towards healthy sleep without outside help.
• When you are not able to sleep, in no case stay in bed, wide awake. When you are going to bed before being tired it might happen that you are lying awake in bed for several hours. This often leads to brooding –- and falling asleep gets even harder. Do something very boring instead.
• The bed is for sleeping. When you are working, eating, reading …. in bed, this signalizes activity to the brain. Now, if you want to sleep –- for the brain, the bed is a symbol for waking up, not for getting tired, like it should be. The only activity you should practice in bed is sex. Sex is supporting falling asleep since it makes you tired and is relaxing our body.
• Light is essential. When you are getting a lot of light during the day, you are producing more sleeping hormones. This makes it important to care for getting enough light at any time, even during the winter. During the summer take advantage of the sun, in the wintertime a lamp –- preferably with daylight-spectrum –- will have to help out.
• Sport is supporting, but only at the right time. When you are exercising too less, you don’t consume enough energy and very often are too awake for sleeping. Sport and exercise are important for a good sleep. But: when you are doing exhausting sport activity too late in the evening the body has not enough time to calm down the circulatory system until going to bed. This is the reason for restlessness and sleeplessness.
• Not only a high-quality sleeping underlay but also an ideal bed room enhances sleep. Darkness and proper room temperature are important. Already smallest possible sources of light might disturb our sleep. And, a cooler bed room is better than a warm one — heat and sweating mostly lead to waking up.
• There exists a wide spread misbelief: namely, alcohol enhances sleep. But, alcohol is not only harming our health but is also disturbing our sleep. It would be better to take a cup of camomile, hops or melissa-tea or a glass of milk with honey.
• Get used to go to bed at a certain time. This allows the body to learn when the perfect time for getting tired is.
• Like we have heard, it is only possible to fall asleep when you are tired. If this means, you have to go to bed after midnight although you have to get up early in the morning, pretty soon your body will signalize you that the amount of sleep is insufficient and will get tired earlier. And hence this will lead to being able to go to bed earlier and get more sleep.