Every one reacts differently on stress. Partly, stress resilience is genetically predisposed and is created resp. influenced by the course of life. Depending on how we are evaluating a situation or demand our body is reacting – are they classified as being exhausting, threatening and unmanageable our body releases stress hormones.
Symptoms of stress
A release of stress hormones causes different symptoms which may be divided into
- physical symptoms (tensions, heart palpitations, etc.)
- mental symptoms (forgetfulness, concentration disorders, etc.)
- psychic symptoms (irritability, joylessness, etc.)
- behavioral changes (changed eating habits, overstrung reactions, etc.)
It is important to take suitable countermeasures in or after stressful situations. If we fail to do so, the stress hormones can’t be reduced. The arising permanent stress can lead to serious health problems:
- high blood pressure
- increased sensitivity to infections due to weakened immune system
- digestive disorders
- increased risk of infarction
- sleep disturbances
- chronic tiredness
- circulatory disturbances
- migraine and head ache
- pain in the back and the neck
- joint pains
- allergies
- depressions
- cycle disorders, erectile dysfunctions
The possibilities are manifold:
- change the stress causing situation
- resolve an existing conflict
- relaxation exercises
- regular exercise and sports in fresh air
- a well-balanced nutrition
- regular sleep-wake-cycle
- take regular timeouts in everyday life
Receive further information in our sleep-healthy-guidebook “sleep yourself young, fit and successful”, free of cost.
Imagesource: @istock
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