Pains in the back are an unpleasant companion, especially at the working place. Often, besides too few and wrong exercises a wrong adjustment of the table- and sitting-height or an improper height setting of the computer monitor lead to unwanted tensions in the back. If you follow the basic rules of ergonomics complaints in the back at the working place and in front of the computer can be avoided easily and quickly.
Hints for a healthy back at your working place
Findings from long-term studies in work science reveal that working on a computer normally is not responsible for common disease patterns like back pain, tensions in the shoulder and neck or eye discomfort. Precondition: ergonomic ground rules are considered. They are well researched and are easy to realize:
- Care for the proper adjustment: the height adjustments of desk, chair, monitor etc. should meet your needs.
- Look after your eyes and your back: care for sufficient light a correct setting of the lighting. This prevents from an unnecessary forced posture.
- Get your circulation going: care for sufficient exercise in between. Stand up, stretch and extend yourself. Move your tired legs.
- Fresh air cares for energy and enhances concentration: thoroughly ventilate your office. Furthermore, fresh air stimulates circulation. Avoid draught; this also might lead to unwanted tensions and colds. Be careful with air conditioning – it, too, might lead to tensions.
When taking these hints into account you will surely realize that working in front of a computer not necessarily has to be painful for your back.
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Imagesource: @fotolia
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