Do you sometimes feel tired and worn out during the day? Are you suffering under head ache or dizziness? One reason might be lack of fluids. Experts agree that drinking is vital. But, how much fluids do we need per day?
Why do humans have to drink?
A human being consists of about 70 % of water. It is found in cells, blood, in the tissue and the lymphatic system. Water enables the metabolic process due to its function as means of transport and solvents. An optimal intake of nutrients, removal and excretion of waste products become possible. Furthermore, water is responsible for the regulation of our body temperature.
Our body loses fluids due to breathing, sweating and excretion. This loss is balanced by drinking. Now, when we don’t drink enough a lack of fluids arises. This impairs the function of our brain, kidneys, digestion, mucous membranes and eyes.
Symptoms of lack of fluids
Due to lack of fluids to following symptoms might occur:
- Hunger and appetite
- Tiredness
- Dizziness
- Concentration difficulties
- Dry skin and mucous membranes
- Chapped lips
- Head ache
How much and how often should we drink?
On an average, an adult needs from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of fluids. About one liter comes with our food. The rest should be taken in throughout the day. Physical activity and warm days might increase the needed amount.
What to drink?
Best are water, mineral water, unsweetened herbal teas or diluted fruit- and vegetable juices. Avoid beverages containing sugar, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks. Hint: water belongs to the best thirst quencher. For more freshness and taste add herbs like peppermint or balm. Peppermint has a refreshing, cooling effect. Balm is calming and relaxing.
Imagesource: @deathtothestockphoto
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