One or two glasses of red wine may quite relax and have a soporific effect. Possibly, Italian scientists have discovered the reason why. Some of the most popular red wine grapes surprisingly contain the sleeping hormone melatonin in their peel, like botanists found out.
Especially Nebbiolo, Croatina, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese – one of the main grapes of Chianti – were abundant with Melatonin. Experts reckon, that only a small amount of alcohol is soporific, by no means it should more than 0.2 liters of wine.
On the other hand, it ain’t easy for people who smoke. The “blue fume” increases the risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases and weakens the immune system. In addition to that, besides caffeine nicotine is an antagonist to the sleeping hormone melatonin and in long term, may lead to a chronical lack of melatonin. Furthermore, statistics have strengthened the thesis that smoker more often suffer under sleep disturbances and therefore start less rested in a new day. US-scientists have proved this with a study.
The scientists of the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, registered the sleeping phases of 40 smokers and 40 non-smokers and compared their sleeping patterns. The following day, the test persons were asked to give their own sleeping-impressions. Result: The smokers didn’t have such a deep sleep and did not feel recreated in the morning. Possible reasons might be the stimulating effect of nicotine and withdrawal symptoms during night.
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