People who sleep healthy and sufficiently are doing a lot of “brain work” during sleep – and this on highest level like numerous experiments at Harvard University proofed. These people are able to process all impressions of daily life, of course these include professional things as well. This is how experiences and knowledge gets better fixed in our brain. And, this logically enhances intelligence and creativity as well improves our memory. “Out of this reason it is advisable, that managers who prepare a presentation or an important meeting for the following day should take a look at their manuscript or agenda before going to sleep” adds sleeping expert Amann-Jennson.
Here, not only deep sleep is important, but also REM-sleep. REM-phases are especially important for memory formation. But, these things only work when we pass 4 to 5 times through the about 1.5 hours lasting phases of sleep. Hence, we have to sleep well and undisturbed for about 7 to 8 hours.
Healthy sleep helps to solve problems
A lot of pioneering discoveries and inventions have been made during sleep. Albert Einstein, too, discovered significant parts of his relativity theory during night. Thus, “consulting your pillow” completely makes sense. Sleeping expert Amann-Jennson knows: “Healthy sleep really helps to solve problems. Important decision making processes continue during sleeping, one can say, data and facts are newly sorted and not only learned information is stored but also new thinking paths are created”.
It is possible to learn healthy sleeping
Actually, it would not need any methods or strategies to sleep healthy. But, our lifestyle and stress changed this. “To optimize your sleep consciously and focused support of an expert or sleeping coach really does make sense. It has proven good to deal with the secrets of sleep and to get to know the own sleep disturbers. Clearly the worst choice are sleeping pills”, finalizes Amann-Jennson.
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