Does this sound familiar to you? You wake up with pains in the back or in the neck. Or with numbness in the arms and/or legs. Not only an improper sleeping underlay resp. an improper pillow might be reason for this but possibly also an improper sleeping position. But: which sleeping position is ideal, especially when you want to prevent back pain?
Dorsal position
Sleeping in dorsal position is one of the best sleeping positions. This sleeping position enables to prevent neck- and back pain since the head, neck and the spine can be positioned neutrally and it reduces acid reflux. But it might support snoring.
Lateral position
The lateral position is also preventing from back pain. When using the proper sleeping underlay this position cares for a “straight” spine. Like in any position, in this position the proper pillow is important, too. Lying on the left side is a good alternative for lying on the back, especially for pregnant women. Furthermore, snoring is diminished. Since the skin is pushed together for a longer period of time enhanced wrinkling is a disadvantage of this sleeping position.
Fetal position
Sleeping with bent knees is not suitable for preventing back pain. There is just one advantage: snoring decreases.
Prone position
This is a very unfavorable position. Sleeping on the stomach complicates breathing, the cervical spine is twisted and the blood circulation of some body parts incl. the brain might be affected. The spine gets heavily bent. This position can cause pain in the neck and back.
This suggests, that when it comes to avoiding back pain during sleep dorsal and lateral position are the best positions. But, for any sleeping position it is essential to support the spine with the proper sleeping underlay. Ideally, the sleeping underlay is made of natural materials (point-elastic mattress, flexible slat-frame, ergonomically shaped pillow).
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